Energy Efficient Upgrades
As one of the top rated Boerne and Hill Country remodeling companies, we strive to provide our clients with the best information to care for their home. While we typically focus our efforts on remodeling aesthetic features of the home, we also want to make our clients aware of “behind-the-scenes” upgrades that will increase your overall satisfaction with your home. This includes making your home more energy efficient. There are a number of small, and large, upgrades that can be made and will have long lasting financial and environmental effects.
Properly insulating your home can cut down on your cooling and heating bills significantly. While the up front cost might be a little less appealing because there won’t be any visible changes made, the savings could provide a cushion to allow for those more obvious upgrades down the road. Energy Star states that homeowners could save $200 a year in heating and cooling costs.
2. Window Upgrades
Installing new, certified windows might be one of the few energy efficient upgrades that is as aesthetically pleasing as it is beneficial to your energy savings. The variety of window designs has grown substantially over the years and can make more of a statement on the curb appeal of your Hill Country home. According to Nerd Wallet and Energy Star, you could see up to a 15% savings in your energy bill every month, also.
3. Solar Panels
You might find yourself wary of the cost incurred to install a solar system but if you consider the savings over the lifetime of your San Antonio home, they more than earn their keep. Nerd Wallet tells us that the average installation cost is around $12,500 but the savings far surpass that. San Antonio residents could see a savings of around $16,085 over a 30 year period.
These, and numerous other changes might not invoke the “jaw drop” when you walk through the door but they will provide the “wow factor” on the back end when you see the significant decrease in your monthly costs. And should you ever decide to sell your home, prospective buyers love to see the savings they’ll also enjoy.